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Why 7 8 9.

Why did 7 8 9? To make room for Season 2 of Haruhi Suzumiya!!!

Finally, after I've gone through the overdue episode 1 of Haruhi Season 2, life feels brand new once more! But what urges me to watch anime, you say? I want to see wondrous sights not available in the real world, in stories where myth and dreams are set free to play. Animation opens that possibility, because it is freed from gravity and the chains of the possible. Realistic films show the physical world; animation shows its essence. Animated films are not copies of "real movies," are not shadows of reality, but create a new existence in their own right. True, a lot of animation is insipid, and insulting even to the children it is made for. But great animation can make the mind sing.

Ahem, for the uninitiated...

Many have dubbed The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya the “must-see anime of 2006", and for good reason. An anime that displays crystal animation, an out-of-this-world concept, and an all-star cast of lovable oddities, Haruhi mustn’t be passed up for any reason whatsoever.

Reviewing Haruhi is quite difficult, seeing as how its magnitude is very difficult to portray in just a few paragraphs. The animation is A+ quality. Many scenes left me quite impressed, looking forward to the next episodes and the glossy visuals they’d bring. Each scene seems carefully thought out, which is phenomenal, especially in regards to an anime. However, one cannot forget (even if one tries) about the storyline. It’s an over-the-top extravaganza that mixes Haruhi’s unique brand of wit with concepts of philosophy. And, even in the end, it all comes to a pleasant close. This is a feat rarely accomplished in anime, especially in a series as experimental as this one.

Due to popular demand (death threats, to be more accurate), I have decided to dedicate a long-winded review for Haruhism. (See previous post.)


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