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The Otaku over the world just love to complain about live-action adaptations of beloved anime series, usually months – if not years – before they come out, determined to hate the final product regardless of what it is. It could be argued that they're not giving some of these projects a fair shake from the get-go; they're hating just to hate, swearing fealty to the original show or manga, convinced Hollywood just can't ever get it right.

Dragonball: Evolution was no exception. Fans decried every scrap of material they could get their hands on, from leaked screencaps to shots of unpainted action figures to the teaser trailers, each time their derisive laughter and scorn growing louder and louder. A tiny handful of people remained cautiously optimistic, praying that 20th Century Fox had managed to distill the essence of the eternally popular, internationally beloved and downright legendary Dragon Ball story into a 90-minute action adventure that, while perhaps not adhering so closely to the exact plot and pacing of the original story, did provide a faithful and entertaining homage that might pave the way for increasingly loyal adaptations down the road.

Here's what happened instead: a bunch of talentless hacks with studio money slapped together a big steaming pile of baffling garbage that fails utterly on every possible level and will please no one at all.

The fans were right.

There's a lot wrong with Dragonball: Evolution, but the one huge thing that overrides nearly everything else is that the script is an absolute, unmitigated disaster. It's clear that a metric ton of material was hacked out, but this thing would need another 30 minutes rise from “unforgivably retarded” to “only mostly retarded”. If you walked into this movie cold – with only a cursory knowledge of who Goku is or what the original story is about – your jaw will be agape at what unbelievable horsecrap is unfolding before you. They explain virtually nothing. There is little to no character motivation. Things just sort of happen – it's not difficult to keep up with (once you realize the movie has no internal logic at all and is just checking off character names and plot points) it's just that so little of it feels connected or sensible at all. Stuff happens, but who cares? Earth is basically unrecognizable and looks like the first 5 minutes or so of Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, the distant future circa 1992. None of the characters are compelling or interesting at all and they're all caught up in this big nonsense story that feels like it was written in crayon. It'd probably be easy to excuse this trash pile of a script by claiming that the original material was pretty zany too, but while Dragon Ball may have been silly and overblown, it wasn't insultingly stupid and senseless. You can't even use the ‘it's a live-action cartoon!’ excuse – compared to Dragonball: Evolution, your average episode of Chowder or Batman: The Brave and the Bold are shining examples of depth and meaning on par with the work of Dostoyevsky. Kids aren't dumb enough to fall for this.

In terms of production values, nothing there works either. The special effects are all Sci-Fi Original Movie-level quality, and the costume design is questionable to say the least. Hell, even the makeup sucks – Bulma has cosmetics plastered on like a whore in a Ratt video, all heavy rouge and electric blue eyeliner, her hair teased and highlighted to where she'd look much more comfortable writhing around on the hood of a 1987 TransAm than playing a “badass” genius scientist. The film's climactic moment – spoiler alert, it's the Kamehameha – is so outrageously goofy looking and badly executed that you will laugh out loud. It is perhaps the most enjoyable moment in the film, unintentionally so.

It's hard to blame the actors for their across-the-board mediocre performances when they're dealing with material this mind-boggling, but they can't be let off the hook either. Justin Chatwin occasionally delivers his ridiculous dialogue with some measure of quality but most of the film requires him to grimace and flex his neck muscles, which he apparently isn't quite capable of doing in a convincing way; imagine someone doing a bad job at faking "desperate, painful constipation" and you're about there. Emily Rossum spits her lines out like she just can't wait to get rid of them, and nobody can blame her for that, but she's less engaging than your average Power Rangers guest star. The guy playing Yamcha –Joon Park– is just not very good at this. His delivery is godawful, like the guy who's stuck playing the tired ‘surfer dude’ stereotype character in a Japanese roleplaying game from 1997, back when they'd hire convenience store employees and hobos from the local YMCA to do the voiceover work. Chow Yun-Fat does what he can, but even he stumbles over this stuff; the role requires him to behave like a cartoon character and it just comes across as trying way, way too hard.


In the end, it all boils down to one thing: this movie appeals to nobody. It was made for no one. People who aren't familiar with the Dragon Ball story at all will be so flabbergasted by what's happening that they will likely tell everyone they know that it's one of the worst movies they've ever seen. Fans who do know what the general story is will be furious at just how unbelievably badly they screwed this entire thing up. Kids are used to better writing than this in their weekday afternoon cartoons (although you may run into a kid who has never actually seen a movie before, and they might dig it until you show them another movie). It's a clunky, tiresome, badly executed, horribly written pile of shame that deserves no quarter.

In short, it's as bad as the fans said it would be. But hey it might be fun when you're hammered and surrounded by friends. Or suicidal, and need something to push you over the edge.


I knew it. We were right all along, we had this production sussed months ago.

To all those who demanded that we wait for the trailers before delivering our judgment, and then demanded that we wait until the actual movie when it was discovered how bad the trailers were, well I hope they are wallowing in shame right now. Because I'm shamelessly wallowing in an "I told you so" mood. It's amazing how some people tried so hard to convince themselves that this was going to be in any way shape or form a decent movie.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't want it to be bad. But I refuse to go easy just because of the badge. When will Hollywood learn that you cannot take a great series or game, make an awful movie loosely based on it, stick the name on it and expect anyone to see it, let alone like it? After the disappointment of Final Fantasy: Spirits Within, I had hoped that they had learned their lesson. Obviously the inherent greed in Hollywood has still not been expunged.

Anyway, I cannot help feel a sense of dread for the eventual quality of the other live-action adaptations either in production or scheduled to be so. Cowboy Bebop in particular; so many potential pitfalls, so little money around to overcome them. And perhaps once this movie bombs in North America (which if God truly exists will surely happen), there might not be so much enthusiasm to make more adaptations. I don't know whether to be sad or happy, but I would rather have the source material left alone and respected than have it so bastardised.

April 25, 2009 at 4:01 PM  

thedogginboots: Actually, Spirits Within was produced by Square and directed by Sakaguchi himself. I'm guessing that sucked for the same reason, though, which was that he was trying to ape a genre which he had no personal experience in before he started.

April 25, 2009 at 4:03 PM  


I knew this was going to be terrible, but I hoped it would be terrible in a fun way. Apparently it's now terrible in a TERRIBLE way.

Guess I won't go see it after all. I'm not going to say "Hollywood makes everything terrible," but it is true that there are some people out there who should not make films and who should absolutely listen (or give a crap about) the fanbase for the ones they do make. Uwe Boll is despised for a reason: he ruins what everyone else already enjoyed and gives the gaming population a bad name. Now the douche director of this film can join him in the hall of shame.

April 25, 2009 at 4:04 PM  

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